The transaction ID of a refunded payment can now be viewed by you as a client or partner merchant on the Azupay dahsboard when a payment in status with ‘RETURN_COMPLETE’ is found. Previously if the transaction ID of a refunded payment was required, you needed to raise a service desk ticket to get this information.

This feature is likely to become very useful in confirming the refund transaction ID after making a refund payment to one of your customers for proof of refund during the payment dispute process with an end customer

A new App has been developed for you as a direct debit and card capture alternative. This app will allow you as a merchant to capture the PayID (and soon the BSB & account number)in order to guide users to creating a PayTo payment agreement.

This new app will provide the following benefits to our clients:

  • Drastically reduces effort compared to direct integration using Azupay PayTo APIs
  • Mimics the card on file approach for the merchant as much as possible (as we know that our merchants are familiar with this form of payment)

For merchant customers on the 1-click Checkout landing page wanting to pay with the PayID payment option, there is a QR code now available for users to scan and transfer PayID details onto their mobile phone from the desktop view. The transfer of PayID details onto their mobile phone allows for easier completion of payment through their mobile banking app.

Payments made via the 1-click Checkout app can now be categorised as settled via PayID or PayTo as the underlying payment method. This payment method information is displayed in search results on the Azupay dashboard.

When Azupay merchants log into the Azupay dashboard and view 1-click Checkout payments made by their customers, they can now see if the payment was settled by PayID or PayTo as the payment method.

There is a new column that can be added to search results called ‘Settled by’ which will show valid values of: ‘PayID or 'PayTo’ for 1-click Checkout app payments; OR BSB/Account number for all payments made to a virtual accounts BSB/account number combination

We have added an indication for our merchant's customers on the main payment landing that indicates after the customer has approved the Payment agreement from the merchant in their banking app, it will get cancelled before being redirected to the merchant's successful confirmation of purchase page. The reason for this change is to reduce confusion to customers when they receive ‘Payment agreement cancelled’ notification by email or SMS from their bank.

The transaction ID of a refund payment can now be viewed in the Azupay client dashboard for every payment that has a status of ‘RETURN_COMPLETE’. This information may come in useful for for any Azupay merchants/partners that are required to provide proof of refunds made to a customer during the official dispute process

Configurable search for outbound payments - clients can now configure the search results displayed when using transaction search on the client dashboard so that you can easily find the payment request that you are looking for.

Additionally client users can export configured search results displayed to CSV file with their preferences saved.

Client users can also now select the maximum number of records you want to see displayed in transaction search results and also set the number of records you want to see on each page. This is helpful you as a client if you have high transaction volumes as you can set the parameters that make it easier for you to find a transaction in a given time period.

With the introduction of pagination for search results page, the ‘Load more’ button has been removed which is a feature that you have asked us repeatedly to deprecate!

As a new configuration option available - the 1-click Checkout app can now recognise returning customers with active recurring PayTo agreements and prefills their PayID details on the main payment landing page. This features aims to reduce friction for your customers by prefilling their details if we recognise as them as returning customers for a smoother and faster payment experience!

PayID checkout app

  • Feature: improved UX for open wallet PayIDs
    The PayID Checkout app now displays a successful confirmation page for open wallet PayIDs where the customer can pay any amount to top up their account

1-click Checkout app

  • Features: When users are redirected to the merchant website after successful payment, a loading animation is displayed to let users know something is happening
    When users complete a payment (using payment agreement/initiation), the 1-click Checkout app will have a 4th green tick line item to indicate redirection. However, if a payment is completed via PayID, then we do not currently have an animation in place to indicate this to users

  • Features: Recurring agreements can now be created for 1-click Checkout customers
    Azupay merchants offering 1-click Checkout to their customers, can offer recurring agreements so that their customers don't need a new agreement created for them each time they want to pay

Core platforms

  • Feature: When users are redirected to the merchant website after successful payment, a loading animation is displayed to let users know something is happening
    When users complete a payment (using payment agreement/initiation), the 1-click App will have a 4th green tick line item to indicate redirection. However, if a payment is completed via PayID, then we do not currently have an animation in place to indicate this to users

  • Feature: Automatic partner notification when sub-merchant is created via Clients API
    Verification of sub-merchant status changing to active which is provided automatically to the parent partner when an sub-merchant account becomes active will reduce the manual work that Azupay support desk has to complete in order to provide such updates in a timely manner.

  • Feature: Clients can now receive payer data information for PayTo payments via webhook and in the daily transaction report
    Providing additional payer data in webhooks and in the daily reconciliation report in order to uniquely identify a payer will satisfy regulatory compliance requirements for our partner banks clients.

PayID Checkout app

  • Feature: multipayments in PayID Checkout app handled
    The PayID Checkout app now handles PayIDs setup to handle multipayments for a better customer experience. A message will be displayed to let the user know they've paid, but just a partial amount not the full amount.

  • Feature: Simple PayID names used as the PayID description for payment requests
    Clients using the PayID Checkout app can opt in to use the name of the client for the PayID description when creating a payment request (instead of creating a more detailed payment request description of: client name, amount, and short description)

  • Feature: 1-click Checkout app redirect URL
    The full version of the 1-click Checkout App now redirects client’s end customers to the cancel URL specified after any payment is cancelled

Core platform

  • Feature: Oauth2 available as a secure authorization protocol
    Azupay now offers Oauth2 as a means of granting access to a set of resources and is common security measure for enterprise merchants to protect their API keys and calls

  • Feature summary: cancelled status for end-dated PayTo agreements
    Clients can now expect that end dated agreements will automatically go into CANCELLED status, when the specified end date/time is reached

  • Features: clients will now receive a unique failure reason code when a refund fails
    When an client performs an invalid refund request, Azupay will now then them a unique ‘failure code’ in the error response to their API call

  • Features: Reason codes provided when payment agreements are cancelled
    When a payment agreement is cancelled, clients will now will receive a reason code explaining why the payment agreement was cancelled by the end customer (payer) or payer financial institution