PaymentInitiation API
Payment Initiation
Once you have an active Payment Agreement in place you can automatically collect eligible payments aligned to the terms of the Payment Agreement.
Eligible payments only
You must only collect payments you are legally entitled to under a commercial arrangement you have with your customer. Your payment initiations must also align with the terms of the Payment Agreement you have with that customer, e.g. your payment initiations must be no more than the maximum amount in the Payment Agreement, your payment types must correspond to the payment type specified in the Payment Agreement, your frequency of payments must be consistent with the frequency terms in the Payment Agreement, and other conditions.
If you do initiate an ineligible payment you may find the payment can be reversed at a later time. In general, since your customer has approved the Payment Agreement in their bank there are far fewer situations in which payments are reversed than in other similar payment methods such as Direct Debit or card payments.
To make a payment initiation follow the payload example below:
Authorization: SECR_MYBUSINESSID_myapikey
Content-Type: application/json
"PaymentInitiation": {
"paymentInitiationNotification": {
"endpointURL": "",
"authorizationHeader": "my-secret-header"
"clientId": "MYBUSINESSID",
"clientTransactionId": "INV-0000001-1",
"paymentAmount": "99.99",
"paymentAgreementId": "86ea437729e81567218cd013aa5e3d36"
Objects to note in this request:
: As the payment initiation is an asynchronous request, a webhook is required so that your business can be notified once the payment initiation has been completed.
Failed payments refund behaviour
If a payment initiation is not settled or rejected within 24 hours since it is initiated, it will be marked as
. Any payment received afterward will be refunded.
Status Code and Status Reason
field will change for different reasons.
The underlying reason will be captured as status code in the PaymentInitiationStatus.statusCode
These codes are standard across the NPP network participants and are returned by the destination institution as opposed to Azupay.
The reason description will be captured in the PaymentInitiationStatus.statusReason
status | statusCode | statusReason |
PENDING | RECV | Received |
PENDING | UNDV | Undelivered |
PENDING | SAFD | Store & Forward |
PENDING | ACCP | Accepted for clearance by Receiver |
PENDING | ACSP | Settlement aborted by NPP BI |
SETTLED | ACSC | Accepted & Settled |
FAILED | AB01 | Clearing process aborted due to timeout. NPP Error. Client should retry for up to 8 hours before failing the payment and debiting the customers account. |
FAILED | AB02 | Clearing process aborted due to fatal error. NPP Error. Client should retry for up to 8 hours before failing the payment and debiting the customers account. |
FAILED | AB03 | Settlement aborted due to timeout. Clients should retry every 30 minutes for up to 8 hours. If this continues to fail afterwards, please contact support. |
FAILED | AB04 | Settlement aborted due to timeout. Clients should retry every 30 minutes for up to 8 hours. If this continues to fail afterwards, please contact support. |
FAILED | AB08 | Settlement aborted due to timeout. Clients should retry every 30 minutes for up to 8 hours. If this continues to fail afterwards, please contact support. |
FAILED | AC02 | The Debtor Account Number is invalid or missing. |
FAILED | AC03 | The Payee is unable to accept a Clearing Request because the account to be debited does not exist. |
FAILED | AC05 | The original debtor account number is closed and a Payment Return (Unsolicited) cannot be made. |
FAILED | AC06 | The Account is blocked and cannot accept debits. This includes instances of suspected fraud, sanctions or a debit is unable to be applied to the account type e.g. mortgage, term deposit account. |
FAILED | AC13 | Merchants should never receive this error if a valid PayTo agreement is already in place. |
FAILED | AC15 | Please contact support for further investigation. |
FAILED | AG01 | Merchants should never receive this error if a valid PayTo agreement is already in place. |
FAILED | AG07 | Please contact support for further investigation. |
FAILED | AM01 | The service prohibits the use of zero dollar Payments. |
FAILED | AM02 | The transaction is greater than the maximum NPP limit of $99,999,999,999 or rules of a service have a maximum amount limit. |
FAILED | AM04 | Insufficient funds. Please try again later up to 5 times within 24 hours. |
FAILED | AM06 | Amount requested does not match payment agreement. Please update amount and try again. |
FAILED | AM09 | Amount requested does not match payment agreement. Please update amount and try again. |
FAILED | AM12 | Amount is missing. You will receive a schema validation error when calling the API. |
FAILED | AM21 | Amount requested does not match payment agreement. Please update amount and try again. |
FAILED | BE06 | Merchants should never receive this error if a valid PayTo agreement is already in place. |
FAILED | DT02 | Temporary error, please try again. |
FAILED | ED05 | Settlement failed. Please try again later up to 5 times within 24 hours. |
FAILED | ED06 | Interbank settlement system unavailable. Please try again later up to 5 times within 24 hours. |
FAILED | FF10 | Bank system error. Please try again later up to 5 times within 24 hours. |
FAILED | FF11 | Clearing request error. Please try again later up to 5 times within 24 hours. |
FAILED | SL13 | Maximum number of transactions exceeds payment agreement. |
FAILED | SL14 | Maximum amount exceeds payment agreement. |
FAILED | E991 | Bank system error. Please try again later up to 5 times within 24 hours. |
FAILED | E992 | Bank system error. Please try again later up to 5 times within 24 hours. |
FAILED | M901 | Bank system error. Please try again later up to 5 times within 24 hours. |
FAILED | M902 | Online transactions will be rejected, please try again later. Batch payment initiations will be queued for delivery automatically once participants are back online. |
FAILED | M903 | Online transactions will be rejected, please try again later. Batch payment initiations will be queued for delivery automatically once participants are back online. |
FAILED | M904 | Online transactions will be rejected, please try again later. Batch payment initiations will be queued for delivery automatically once participants are back online. |
FAILED | M905 | A cancelled PayID should result in payment agreements being cancelled. Please contact support if you receive this error. |
FAILED | M914 | Porting is not currently available. |
FAILED | M915 | Porting is not currently available. |
FAILED | E999 | Fatal error. Please contact support if you receive this error. |
FAILED | PA04 | Possible NPP outage. Clients should retry every 30 minutes for up to 8 hours. If this continues to fail afterwards, please contact support. |
Failure Codes and Failure Reasons
- creating a payment agreement
- amending a payment agreement
- creating a payment initiation
in 400
error scenarios, you may get a response with an optional details
object containing a:
"message": "PayID format is incorrect",
"details": {
"failureCode": "AZP5.2",
"failureReason": "PayID format is incorrect"
Below are the mappings for the codes and reasons:
failureCode | failureReason |
AZP5.1 | [object must not contain both (["payIDDetails"]) and (["bankAccountDetails"])] |
AZP5.2 | PayID format is incorrect |
AZP5.3 | ["additionalDetails" object must contain (["deviceFingerprint"]) and (["ipAddress"]) when channelType is BROWSER or MOBILE] |
AZP5.4 | ["additionalDetails" object must contain (["ipAddress"]) when (["channelType"]) is BROWSER or MOBILE] |
AZP5.5 | ["additionalDetails" object must contain (["deviceFingerprint"]) when (["channelType"]) is BROWSER or MOBILE] |
AZP5.6 | object must contain either (["variableAgreementDetails"]) or (["fixedAgreementDetails"]) or ([balloonAgreementDetails"]) or (["usageBasedAgreementDetails"] |
AZP5.7 | [object must contain only one of (["variableAgreementDetails"]) or (["fixedAgreementDetails"]) or ([balloonAgreementDetails"]) or (["usageBasedAgreementDetails"]) |
AZP5.8 | An invalid request body was supplied |
AZP5.9 | [object has missing required properties (["mandatoryField"])] |
AZP5.10 | Invalid DDR migration request. Both BECS User ID and PayID have been provided |
AZP5.11 | The BECS User ID is invalid |
AZP5.12 | [object must contain either (["payIDDetails"]) or (["bankAccountDetails"])] |
AZP5.13 | Start date must be today or future dated |
AZP5.14 | End date must be equal to or after start date |
AZP5.15 | Last payment date must be equal to or after start date |
AZP5.16 | End date must be equal to or after end date |
AZP5.17 | Last payment date must be equal to or after end date |
Issuing Refunds
Full refunds
Once you have received a payment initiation, and it is in SETTLED
status you can do a full refund by performing an API call like the following, again using the paymentInitiationId
Authorization: SECR_MYBUSINESSID_myapikey
Content-Type: application/json
You will get a response like the following
"PaymentInitiation": {
"PaymentInitiationStatus": {
"refundInformation": {
"availableBalance": "0.00",
"requests": [
"createdDateTime": "2021-04-25T23:52:56.189Z",
"nppTransactionId": "AZTPAU22XXXN20230419100000000000020",
"status": "IN_PROGRESS",
"amount": "500.00"
The status of the PaymentInitiation will go into RETURN_IN_PROGRESS
which means it has been initiated but not completed yet.
After some time, and assuming you have enough balance with Azupay to perform the refund, you can enquire about the status for the PaymentInitiation
and see a change on the status to RETURN_COMPLETE
indicating the refund has completed successfully.
"PaymentInitiation": {
"PaymentInitiationStatus": {
"status": "RETURN_COMPLETE",
"refundInformation": {
"availableBalance": "0.00",
"requests": [
"createdDateTime": "2021-04-25T23:52:56.189Z",
"completedDateTime": "2021-04-25T23:52:58.189Z",
"nppTransactionId": "AZTPAU22XXXN20230419100000000000020",
"status": "COMPLETE",
"amount": "500.00"
Partial refunds
To do a partial refund you would submit a similar request than for full refund but adding a refundAmount
query parameter to the request.
Say you have a completed PaymentInitiation
for $100 and you do a partial refund of $25 using a POST
like the following.
POST https://{{api-host}}/v1/paymentInitiation/refund?id=a050551479f625c066b559da28fee33c&refundAmount=25
Authorization: SECR_MYBUSINESSID_myapikey
Content-Type: application/json
Once the refund is completed, when you enquire on the PaymentInitiation
you will see a response like the one below.
"PaymentInitiation": {
"PaymentInitiationStatus": {
"refundInformation": {
"availableBalance": "75.00",
"requests": [
"nppTransactionId": "AZTPAU22XXXN20230419100000000000020",
"createdDateTime": "2021-04-22T06:40:25.198Z",
"completedDateTime": "2021-04-23T05:42:09.373Z",
"status": "COMPLETE",
"amount": "25.00"
"status": "RETURN_COMPLETE",
The latest entry in the refundInformation
object will contain the information about the partial refund.
Updated 6 days ago