Test accounts - PaymentAgreement APIs

In the UAT environment, we provide you with fictitious accounts, PayIDs and Payment Agreements in order to test all possible payment outcomes for our products

Create Payment Agreement

A call to POST /v1/paymentAgreement will result in:


PayIDTypePayIDExampleExpected statusfailureCodefailureReason
EmailPrefix error@[email protected]FAILEDAZP2.1An error has occurred with this Payment Agreement. Please contact support.
PhonePrefix +61-46+61-469887654FAILEDAZP2.1An error has occurred with this Payment Agreement. Please contact support.
EmailPrefix error-2@[email protected]FAILEDAZP2.2The payer account is not eligible for PayTo payments.
EmailPrefix error-3@[email protected]FAILEDAZP2.3The payer account is not eligible for NPP payments.
EmailPrefix error-4@[email protected]FAILEDAZP2.4Payee alias details are invalid.
EmailPrefix error-31a@[email protected]FAILEDAZP3.1Last payment date must be equal to or after start date.
EmailPrefix error-32@[email protected]FAILEDAZP3.2Start date must be today or future dated.
EmailPrefix error-33a@[email protected]FAILEDAZP3.3End date must be equal to or after start date.
EmailPrefix error-41@[email protected]FAILEDAZP4.1Request Timed Out. Please Try again.
EmailPrefix error-42@[email protected]FAILEDAZP4.2Possible NPP outage. Please try again later.
EmailPrefix error-99@[email protected]FAILEDAZP9.9Fatal Error. Please contact support.
EmailPrefix no-action@[email protected]CREATEDN/AN/A
PhonePrefix +61-47+61-479887654CREATEDN/AN/A
EmailPrefix cancel-agreement@[email protected]CANCELLEDN/AN/A
PhonePrefix +61-48+61-481223344CANCELLEDN/AN/A
EmailPrefix suspend-agreement@[email protected]SUSPENDEDN/AN/A
PhonePrefix +61-49+61-499887654SUSPENDEDN/AN/A
PhoneAnything else+61-453123123ACTIVEN/AN/A
EmailAnything else[email protected]ACTIVEN/AN/A

Bank Account Details

BSBAccount NumberExpected statusfailureCodefailureReason
666666Valid Account NumberFAILEDAZP2.1An error has occurred with this Payment Agreement
555552Valid Account NumberFAILEDAZP2.2The payee account is not eligible for PayTo payments
555553Valid Account NumberFAILEDAZP2.3The payee account is not eligible for NPP payments
555554Valid Account NumberFAILEDAZP2.4Payee alias details are invalid
777777Valid Account NumberCREATEDN/AN/A
888888Valid Account NumberCANCELLEDN/AN/A
999999Valid Account NumberSUSPENDEDN/AN/A

Amend Payment Agreement

Payee Initiated Amendment

In the UAT environment, if the amendment contains a specific value as shown in the table below, it will trigger a
certain behaviour which is very useful for testing purpose.

Payee initiated amendment is categorised as bilateral amendment.
Bilateral amendment means it requires approval by the payer if the amendment is initiated by the payee
and vice versa.

TypeamountmaximumAmountExpected Behaviour
VariableN/A0.11A call to POST /v1/paymentAgreement/amendment will result in error
VariableN/A0.22A call to POST /v1/paymentAgreement/amendment will result in bilateral amendment status DECLINED
VariableN/A0.33A call to POST /v1/paymentAgreement/amendment will result in bilateral amendment status RECALLED
VariableN/A0.44A call to POST /v1/paymentAgreement/amendment will result in bilateral amendment status TIMEDOUT
Fixed0.11N/AA call to POST /v1/paymentAgreement/amendment will result in error
Fixed0.22N/AA call to POST /v1/paymentAgreement/amendment will result in bilateral amendment status DECLINED
Fixed0.33N/AA call to POST /v1/paymentAgreement/amendment will result in bilateral amendment status RECALLED
Fixed0.44N/AA call to POST /v1/paymentAgreement/amendment will result in bilateral amendment status TIMEDOUT
Usage BasedN/A0.11A call to POST /v1/paymentAgreement/amendment will result in error
Usage BasedN/A0.22A call to POST /v1/paymentAgreement/amendment will result in bilateral amendment status DECLINED
Usage BasedN/A0.33A call to POST /v1/paymentAgreement/amendment will result in bilateral amendment status RECALLED
Usage BasedN/A0.44A call to POST /v1/paymentAgreement/amendment will result in bilateral amendment status TIMEDOUT
Balloon0.11N/AA call to POST /v1/paymentAgreement/amendment will result in error
Balloon0.22N/AA call to POST /v1/paymentAgreement/amendment will result in bilateral amendment status DECLINED
Balloon0.33N/AA call to POST /v1/paymentAgreement/amendment will result in bilateral amendment status RECALLED
Balloon0.44N/AA call to POST /v1/paymentAgreement/amendment will result in bilateral amendment status TIMEDOUT

Example of request payload for Variable agreement details that will result in bilateral status DECLINED:

POST https://api.azupay.com.au/v1/paymentAgreement/amendment
Authorization: SECR_MYBUSINESSID_myapikey
Content-Type: application/json
  "PaymentAgreementAmendment": {
    "paymentAgreementId": "827ce039a3cb464b0be8036453f8f54b",
    "clientTransactionId": "4733dbb4-af1d-451b-942c-291ca548289c",
    "agreementDetails": {
      "variableAgreementDetails": {
        "maximumAmount": "0.22"

Initiate Payment

paymentAmountExpected Behaviour
88.88A call to POST /v1/paymentInitiation will result in status FAILED
0.77A call to POST /v1/paymentInitiation will result in status RETURN_COMPLETE

1-Click Checkout App

When using the 1-click Checkout app (UAT):

PayIDExpected Behaviour
0400123123The Payment Agreement created via the 1-click checkout app will automatically get approved to an ACTIVE state
0472345678The Payment Agreement created via the 1-click checkout app will stay in a CREATED state