Testing & integration - Subscriptions app

Create PaymentAgreementRequest - positive test cases (API integration)

Test Case 1: PaymentAgreementRequest - maximum agreement amount set

  "PaymentAgreementRequest": {
    "agreementMaximumAmount": "250.00",
    "clientTransactionId": "TX534642343455345"
  • Expected outcome: Receive API response 200: Payment Agreement Request Created

Create PaymentAgreementRequest - exception test cases (API integration)

Test Case 2: PaymentAgreementRequest - missing required field

Sample Request Body:

    "clientTransactionId": "TX5346423452483845"
  • Expected outcome: Receive API response 400: Invalid request

Test Case 3: Create PaymentAgreementRequest - negative maximum payment agreement amount

Sample Request Body:

  "PaymentAgreementRequest": {
    "agreementMaximumAmount": "-250.00",
    "clientTransactionId": "TX5346423452345785"
  • Expected outcome: Receive API response 400: Invalid request

UI testing - happy path

Test Case 5: Initial agreement setup

  • Steps to Complete: Enter in 0400 123 123 to the “Enter your PayID details” input box.

  • Expected outcome: After entering mobile PayID details, the text in green will say “PayTo approved from banking app"

UI testing - unhappy paths

Test Case 6 : Payment Agreement could not be created

  • Steps to Complete: Enter in "[email protected]" to the “Enter your PayID details” input box on the first 1-click Checkout app landing page

  • Expected outcome: Message displayed "PayTo agreement could not be created"

Test Case 7 : Payment Agreement not approved

  • Steps to Complete: Enter in "0472 345 678" to the “Enter your PayID details” input box on the main payment landing page

  • Expected outcome: Animated spinning icon showing next to "Awaiting your approval"