Our solutions
We offer different UX payment solutions for different payment needs. Our UX solutions may be integrated in different ways so it is important you choose the right approach for your needs when you start your build.
Our UX payment solution use cases are:
- Payment Request solutions - you want your customers to send payment to you; this might be to buy a product, pay for a service, top up a wallet or other similar payment experience. One integration to our PaymentRequest API allows you to choose from multiple different Payment Request solutions to suit the experience you want for your customers.
- Subscription solution - you want your customers to set up an arrangement allowing you to automatically collect payments from them over time; this might be to pay for a subscription every month, to allow you to collect usage based fees every quarter or other similar recurring background payments. Simply integrate once to our PaymentAgreement and PaymentInitiation APIs and make use of our simple Subscriptions UX payment solution.
Your Azupay Client Dashboard includes an App management screen. Use this section to select, enable and configure your chosen payment UX payment solutions.
The pages in this section of our Guides describes the purpose of each of our UX payment solutions, how to implement them and how to configure them. If you decide none of our solutions suit your needs dive into the API Guides section to understand what you can custom build on top of our APIs directly.
Updated 2 months ago