Report API


All daily transaction reports generated by Azupay are available for download via our Report API. Daily transaction reports include all completed/settled transactions made to your business in a 24 hour period (12am - 11:59pm) and should be utilised to reconcile transactions with regular sweep amount.

You can supply month + timezone query parameters OR you can supply fromDate + toDate. The former provides you a list of all reports automatically generated by Azupay in the specified month, whilst the latter provides you with a report for the date range specified.

All reports generated by Azupay are available for download via our API using three simple steps:

  • Get the list of reports
  • Get the report's temporary download URL
  • Finally, download the report

Get the list of reports

First, you have to get a list of reports available for a given month:

Authorization: SECR_MYBUSINESSID_myapikey


  • month: Reports are for this month. Provide a value in the format YYYY-MM
  • clientId: Your clientId, in this case it's MYBUSINESSID
  • timezone: The timezone you wish to apply to the dates returned in the response body. Currently, we only support Australia/Sydney

OR you can get the list of reports within a date range (providing a 'from date' and 'to date'):

Authorization: SECR_MYBUSINESSID_myapikey


  • clientId: Your clientId, in this case it's MYBUSINESSID
  • fromDate: the start of the date range for which you specify to search for daily transaction reports in
  • toDate: the end of the date range for which you specify to search for daily transaction reports in

This request will yield a response like the following:

  "month": "2020-01",
  "reports": [
      "reportId": "string",
      "type": "TXN_V2",
      "fromDate": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.004+11:00",
      "toDate": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.004+11:00",
      "clientId": "string"


  • month: Reports are for this month
  • reports: The list of available reports
  • reports.type: The type of report. Currently, we supply TXN_V2or MT940 (select customers only by request)
  • reports.reportId: This is the unique ID of the report. You need to parse the response based on the other fields type, fromDate, toDate and identify the reportId you are planning to download
  • reports.clientId: The clientId associated with this report.

Get the report's temporary download URL

Once you have identified the reportId you are interested in, we can move to the next step

Authorization: SECR_MYBUSINESSID_myapikey


  • clientId: Your clientId, in this case it's MYBUSINESSID
  • reportId: The reportId you identified earlier

This will yield the following response:

  "reportUrl": ""


  • reportUrl: This is a temporary URL you can use to download the file. It is only valid for a limited amount of time

Download the report

Using the reportUrl, issue a simple GET request and download the resulting report file:


This will yield a response with Content-Type value of application/octet-stream.


Daily transaction reports provide a different view from live transaction data that is available on the Azupay client dashboard. Daily transaction reports include all completed/settled transactions made to your business in a 24 hour period (12am - 11:59pm).Transaction search results on the dashboard and exported into a report can also include transactions in other statuses like expired, waiting, return_complete etc.